[Sca-cooks] Estonian sauerkraut

Sharon Palmer ranvaig at columbus.rr.com
Mon Feb 18 19:54:10 PST 2013

>Yay, a recipe for my favorite sauerkraut!! This stuff is really, really

Rumpolt doesn't have a recipe for *making* 
sauerkraut, but it has these recipes for using it.

A sourkraut with dried salmon/ and with fried pike.
A sourkraut cooked with smoked bacon/ and with old chickens.
A cooked sourkraut/ and with smoked bacon and laid with bratwurst.
A sourkraut cooked with dry salmon/ and fried 
fish/ and roasted fish on the cabbage/ everything 
dressed in a dish.
Warm peas with sourkraut.
Wild boar cooked in a pepper (sauce)/ a sourkraut 
cooked with a smoked bacon/ and dried sausages/ 
and also with roasted capons and chickens.

Spensaw 23.    Smoked or salted piglet is also 
not bad/ you may give it cold or warm/ as it is 
good in both manners/ or cook it with a green 
cabbage/ with sourkraut/ or with spinach/ or 
bisenkraut (basil??)/ which one otherwise calls 
roman cabbage.

Schweinen  42. You can make feet in a black 
pepper (sauce)/ with green cabbage/ or with 

Ganß  2. Smoked goose cooked with spinach/ with 
green or white cabbage/ or given cold on a table/ 
like this it is also good.  Or when it is nicely 
cleaned out/ then one dresses it on a dish and 
pours a good beef or chicken broth over it/ throw 
green parsley over it/ like this is elegant and 
good.  And the roasted goose is also good under a 
sourkraut/ along with the bacon.

Fasan 22.  Take a smoked pheasant/ and good 
bacon/ that is streaky??/ also a good capon/ that 
is not smoked/ Take the bacon/ and cut it very 
small/ set it to (the fire) with sourkraut/ and 
let simmer together well/ stir it well with a 
wooden spoon/  When the cabbage is well cooked/ 
then put the pheasant in/ and the capon/ and also 
let simmer with the cabbage/ stir it through each 
other with a wooden spoon/ like this it is a good 
food.  And I have often cooked this for great 
lords/ especially for the lords of Austria.

Wachteln 17.  Quail cooked in white or sourkraut/ or with green cabbage.

Mittel Endten 1. (Pintail Duck)..Also cooked with 
a sourkraut/ with bacon/ and well boiled/ so it 
becomes good and well tasting.

Hecht 34.  Take a pike roe/ put it in a mortar/ 
and pound it in a sourkraut/ that is already 
cooked/ and stir it well around/ then it will 
look white/ as when has poured a sour cream in 
it/ let it simmer with the cabbage an hour or 
more/ and lard it with butter/ then it will be 
good and well tasting.

Hecht 35. Pike prepared in sourkraut.  Take 
sourkraut/ that has whole heads/ carve it nicely 
coarse/ set it on (the fire) with a cabbage 
broth/ and let simmer. Then take the pike roe/ 
that is pounded/ and put it with the cabbage/ and 
let simmer together/ spice the cabbage with 
pepper and saffron/ put fried and boiled blue 
pike in it/ also butter/ that one fried the pike 
in/ then the cabbage will be good and well 
tasting.  And one such cabbage one can also lard 
with olive oil.

Zugemüß  14. Strained peas well larded/ and given 
warm on the table/ pour sourkraut with vinegar 
around it/ an sprinkle with salt.  Like this they 
enjoy eating this on the Rhine river (in the 
Rhine valley).

Zugemüß 111.  Sourkraut with a boiled hen/ and 
smoked bacon/ is also not bad to eat.

Zugemüß 117. Chopped sourkraut is also not bad/ 
when it is cooked/ then one mixes it with sour 
cream and butter.


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