[Sca-cooks] Royal household accounts of the 14th century

Sam Wallace guillaumedep at gmail.com
Tue Sep 24 15:28:37 PDT 2013

Thanks for sharing! The glossary at the end is particularly useful, by the
way. Also, I thought it interesting that the office in charge of fruit was
also in charge of wax (especially candles).


> Household  accounts for 14th century French kings:
> Un  compte de l'H?tel du roi sur tablettes de cire, 10 octobre-14 novembre
> [1350].
> Elisabeth  Lalou lien Biblioth?que de l'?cole des chartes lien Year 1994
> lien Volume 152  lien Issue 152-1 lien pp. 91-127

> http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/bec_0373-6237_1994_num_152_1_450723

> These are  particularly interesting, since this is the period of
> Taillevent and the  Menagier de Paris. Lots of pheasant and partridge, not
> a peacock in  sight.

> Lalou  by the way is actually an expert on wax tablets, a few of which
> have actually  survived, despite bone-headed moves by the finders like just
> washing them  off.

> Jim Chevallier

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