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Thu Apr 10 15:59:49 PDT 2014

Translated by Lady Brighid ni Chiarain.
100 Take dried figs, the sweetest that you can get, black and white, and
remove the stems and wash them with good white wine which is sweet; and whe=
they are very well-cleaned, take an earthenware casserole which is big
enough, which has a flat bottom, and cast them inside, stirring them a
little; and then put this casserole upon the coals, and well-covered in a
manner that it is stewed there. And when they are stewed, and they will hav=
absorbed all of the moisture of the wine, stir them a little, and cast fine
spice on top of them; and turn them, stirring in a manner that incorporates
that spice in them; and then eat this food; and it is an elegant thing; and
it should be eaten at the beginning of the meal.
5 - Dried Mission Figs
1 - Dried Calamata Figs
1 C - Sweet White Wine
Salsa Fina -
Cinnamon, Cloves, Grains of Paradise, Ground Ginger, Mace
Remove stems from figs and place the figs into a small ovenproof ramekin.
Pour some white wine over the figs and use the wine to wash the sugar off o=
the outside. Add more wine until all of the figs have a good bit of wine
around them, but do not cover with wine. Place in a 350 degree F oven. Cook
uncovered until you reach a boil (about 20 min) and then cover with aluminu=
foil. Cook for 40 more minutes and then remove the cover and cook for a
final 5 minutes. Remove from the oven and then spice to taste. Stir in
spices until well coated and serve hot.

Meat Casserole

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