[Sca-cooks] Google Translations of Sent Sovi

Susan Lord Williams lordhunt at gmail.com
Wed Apr 16 11:21:06 PDT 2014

lilinah at earthlink.net writes:

I  suggested translating Santanach's modern Catalan, not the original  

My response is - 

The only way I can fathom that Santanach translated “modern Catalan” is that he created it. I know of no published edition of Sent Sovi in “modern Catalan.”

That does not excuse changing egg quantities in recipes. “2-3 eggs” are not “3-4 eggs” - as a matter of fact if we are translating from medieval texts, a proper translation might be to reduce the number of eggs, not increase them, as eggs are bigger today than in the Middle Ages-

> lilinah continues:
>>  Is Santanach’s Catalan version available?

What we have is what is in the book in question Sent Sovi edited by him and translated by Voglzang-

and she says
>> can't be all that hard to understand some of the material with the help of a 
>> good dictionary and even google translate, as imperfect as it is.

> JIMCHEVAL at aol.com wrote:
> Here's a sample of the Catalan from Santanach/Vogelzang edition:
> "E  mit ho a sosengar en greix de carnsalada; e l'olla en qu? es sosengar? 
> estiga en  poc foc, sol que lo greix bulla un poc, e tota hora a?o sia 
> menat. En apr?s  hages d'altra carnsalada magra e grassa, e vaja en la sosenga. E 
> a?? lleva  sovint"
> Give it a try in Google Translate….Ok we have hashed over the word “ carnsalada”  Now this is the Google’s translation from Catalan to English:

"E mit it sosengar carnsalada of fat; e in which the pot? sosengar it? 

"Be aware of fire soon, only that it boil a little fat, and at all times? ie 
led. In AD?'ve S other e carnsalada lean fat, and go on sosenga. E 
to? often clears "
Now lets try one from the Grewe’s edition, recipe: #CLXXXXIIIIWUI PARA A TOT PEX CON SE PEU MENYAR, p 200-201

The original Catalan is:

"A tot pex d’ast ho de greylla age aygua-sal ho poriola av vi, o aylada blanca. e a sardina ffresque he hoblada age boborada. A pex menut que sia en cahobalada age baborada. A pex menut que sia en casola, quant sia vengut del fforn aya hom ffeta baborada e vaya desus, e bulla ab lo pex encemps. e guant bullleva-la hom del ffoc, e va per telladors.”

Goggle’s English translation is:

"To all of PEX ast it greylla of age Aygues salt as poriola BC wine or white aylada. e sardines ffresque I hoblada boborada age. In that small PEX in either cahobalada baborada age. In that small PEX in either home, sold either in terms of one aya fforn ffeta baborada e vaya disuse, and boil it ab PEX encemps. e-glove bullleva one of the ffoc, and was for telladors. "”

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