[Sca-cooks] Lobster in Period

Terry Decker t.d.decker at att.net
Wed Jan 15 17:28:05 PST 2014

Sea cricket, eh?

I'll point out there is no taxonomic basis for how the term "prawn" is used. 
In fact, the Dublin Bay Prawn (AKA Norwegian Lobster, langoustine), Nephrops 
norvegicus, is a small lobster with equal size claws, reddish in color 
rather than the blue of the larger lobsters.  For that matter, I've 
encountered river shrimp with claws.  BTW, that first recipe sounds like a 
way to eat mudbugs.


> Rumpolt has recipes for "MeerGrillen/ Gambarn"
> Gamba modernly means prawn, but the picture looks more like a lobster 
> including the big claws.
> 1.  Set on (the fire) in a water with pepper and salt/ and let simmer with 
> it/ yet let it not simmer long/ because they are soon cooked/ give dry on 
> a table with salt and pepper/ for one eats it together with the shell. 
> You can also well take to the fry/ and well gewelgt?? with pepper and 
> salt/ because one must salt them well/ because they are already sweet.
> 2.  You might also well make them in (a sauce) with butter and pea broth/ 
> and with green well tasting herbs nicely sour/ put a little ground ginger 
> in it/ let simmer together/ and do not over salt it/ then it will be good 
> and also well tasting.
> Ranvaig

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