[Sca-cooks] Cowpeas

Galefridus Peregrinus galefridus at optimum.net
Tue Sep 30 19:39:20 PDT 2014

Ah. My apologies for having misread your posting. For some reason, I totally missed the significance of the quotes.
Circling back to the original question, I note that peas (Pisum sativum) are absent not only from the Taqwim al-Sihhah in the original Arabic, but also from pretty much all of the Latin Tacuinum Sanitatis versions, at least as far as I have been able to research tonight.
> Please observe that the paragraph I wrote is about linguistics and common names. "Cowpea"is in quotes as a term of usage and not as the object itself. My most current  knowledge dates the term of usage to the late 18th Century.

-- Galefridus

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