[Sca-cooks] Medieval Spanish Chef's blog titled "Charles, Perry"

Elise Fleming alyskatharine at gmail.com
Sun Dec 18 12:38:25 PST 2016

> From: Susan Lord <lordhunt at gmail.com>

>> Elise Fleming wrote:
>> This is what is written in the preface to Perry's translation: "A
>> complete translation by Charles Perry of the Arabic edition of Ambrosio
>> Huici Miranda with the assistance of an English translation by Elise
>> Fleming, Stephen Bloch, Habib ibn-al Andalusi and Janet Hinson of the
>> Spanish Translation by Ambrosio Huici Miranda." That pretty much sums it up.
> That is in answer to my query:
>>> In reference to the Anon Al-Andalus, I am not comfortable that all the
>>> credit goes to Perry as many of you worked very hard on it. I think
>>> you should be recognized for your contributions. How can I rephrase
>>> that? Do you have any other suggestions or correction?
> Thank you very much Elise. In my coping and saving the "Perry" translation, somehow I did not see the introduction where credits are given to all of you. I shall add this to my bilbliography as well as the "Perry" blog.
> I liked la Granja?s introduction of his Fadalat text where he explains that he spent summers in Morocco searching for vocabulary used in his translation. In short, translating these text is a mammoth job and you all deserve to the laurels, not just Charles.
> I just have two more query. Where does David Friedman fit in?

David Friedman (aka Duke Sir Cariodoc of the Bow) was the one who 
initially requested people to translate the Spanish thesis by Ambrosio 
Huici Miranda into English. The four of us listed above worked on it. At 
some point, I requested to see all the translations that the others did. 
I then went through the Huici thesis and checked the various 
translations against the Spanish. That "united translation" was then 
sent to David Friedman. But, Huici's Spanish version was under 
copyright. Since David/Cariodoc wasn't able to get permission to use it 
for the English version and publish the English translation, he sent the 
English to Charles Perry. Perry was able to go to the Arabic text (from 
the 1500s?) that Huici Miranda had used when preparing his Spanish 
translation. Perry then compared our English translation to what was in 
the Arabic. He found transcription errors, mostly because Huici Miranda 
had misread certain words, or didn't know some of the specialized terms. 
Perry revised our English version based on the Arabic. Convoluted! But, 
David Friedman was the one who got the English version started and then 
was the go-between with Charles Perry for the final translation which 
was then published.

Alys K.

Elise Fleming
alyskatharine at gmail.com

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