[Sca-cooks] An SCA feast

Terry Decker t.d.decker at att.net
Tue Sep 20 14:04:03 PDT 2016

I don't think so.  Stefan was being Stefan, asking questions and offering 
pointers to the Florilegium, which may have been considered criticism by the 
recipient and garnered a response that can be seen as simple reply or a 
criticism depending on the tone, which doesn't transmit well in this medium.

The exchange as reported here:

"I posted that honey butter wasn’t period. and got this reply:
Diana Shell Wertz
<<< uh,.... why wouldn't 'honey-butter' be period ???? both are period. why 
couldn't they have been combined ? I thought 'honey' was considered a 
'spice' (sorta) there's just no reason they couldn't have been…… >>>

And gave one supporting file and one that I thought could be used to create 

Honey-Butter-art (20K) 11/17/01 "Is Honey Butter Period?" by THL Katja 
Davidova Orlova Khazarina.

flavord-butrs-msg (45K) 10/26/10 Period and SCA, flavored butters.

Then I get criticized with:
<<< Bragg MacMorrichai
As a culinary historian, I appreciate the fact that you point out, we have 
no period recipes for honey butter. Seeing as in Meridies , a"period" feast 
is usually announced as such , with attendant documentation presented before 
hand....and most of our feast are not period,but a mix of traditional 
favorites and sometimes even blatantly mundane fare, to dig on this one 
thing out of a menu, seems a bit uncalled for. >>>

I don’t think I’m being overly critical. Am I?"

I'll let you decide if this constitutes a problem with the Baron.

In my response to Stefan, I erred on gender and time in the SCA.  I 
apologized for my err and corrected the information in a later post.  This 
began an exchange on his expertise as a culinary historian, which is hard to 
determine without samples of his work.  Perhaps he has some papers he might 
care to share in the Florilegium?

In any event, please convey my regrets to the Baron at having erred about 
his gender and time in the SCA.


So am I hearing that he said something stupid to Stephen?  Do I need to go
beat him up?

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