[Sca-cooks] true medieval bread recipes

Susan Lord lordhunt at gmail.com
Sat Sep 24 12:12:16 PDT 2016

> David Friedman wrote:
> I assume that you are working from the same published Spanish 
> translation of a small subset of the fadalat recipes that I am. So far 
> as I can tell, if we use Jim's restrictive definition of "bread" there 
> is only one bread recipe in the collection, the one I have already 
> discussed. So I assume you are also counting recipes for bread more 
> broadly defined, possibly (English names) " Spiral Cake filled with 
> Honey" (44), Confection of Puff Pastry, or Buttered Toast and 
> Sugar"(60), "Cheese and Flour Cake"(79). That gives four recipes, which 
> is what you said /fadalat/ had. The third is then the Puff Pastry one.
> Here is that recipe in English translation. Is that the one you are trying?
> Mix semolina or flour with water and salt and knead it well.Next melt 
> butter, spread a piece of dough on a rolling board as thin as possible, 
> fold it after brushing the inside with butter,


Now I am using  Marin, Manuela. Relieves de las Mesas Acerca de las Delicias y los Diferentes Patos/Ibn Razin al-Tağībī (m.692/1293). Estudio, traducción y notas. Edicciones Trea.S.L. 2007, the third of four recipes for flatbread. Stefan published the first recipe in http://www.florilegium.org/?http%3A//www.florilegium.org/files/FOOD-MANUSCRIPTS/Fadalat-art.html <http://www.florilegium.org/?http://www.florilegium.org/files/FOOD-MANUSCRIPTS/Fadalat-art.html>, which I translated into English from Granja Santa Maria to which you seem to be referring. Marin’s publication in Spanish is subsequent to that which is a complete translation of Ibn Razin’s work while Granja’s publication is very limited. Granja did translate the MS in full but it was never published.

By the way I tried the recipe again yesterday varying the measurements of the flours and water. The result was a cracker like flatbread. After the fact, we topped some wafers with pate and a slice of serrano ham and others with brie and caviar. It was lovely but the wafers had to be fresh out of the frying pan. Today we threw out the rest as they are too hard.


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