[Sca-cooks] Sca-cooks Digest, Vol 134, Issue 3

Susan Lord lordhunt at gmail.com
Sat Jun 3 12:51:52 PDT 2017

Johnna wrote:
> http://www.sca.org/docs/pdf/scafaq.pdf points out that ?manufacturing, distributing, selling, serving, or furnishing of alcoholic beverages by the SCA or its branches or subdivisions is prohibited within the United States and its territories.?
> Johnnae
>> On Jun 3, 2017, at 1:39 PM, Susan Lord <lordhunt at gmail.com> wrote:
>> My great Aunt Alice promised my grandfather that she would never imbibe alcohol in her life. She fulfilled that promise eating lobster Newburg cooked with sherry, which she adored. Why do Americans have to be educated that once heated, alcohol looses its alcoholic content. 
>> The Brits, who lock their licor cabinets, serve their children spiced wine on Christmas Day with no problem.
>> The Americans cut off their noses cause there is nothing better than spiced hot wine to celebrate Christmas Day especially if in freezing Vermont temperatures!
I am so glad Aunt Alice did not have to conform to SCA prohibitions. Nothing is better than her Lobster Newburg and warm spiced wine on Christmas day!

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