[Sca-cooks] illusion feast

The Eloquent Page books at theeloquentpage.com
Fri Feb 8 12:04:07 PST 2019

I have some fish thawing right now to try it out.  Thank you again -


On 2/8/2019 1:14 PM, Johnna Holloway wrote:
> My advice would be to practice and work with the recipes well in advance, especially since you are starting with frozen fish.
> A fish pudding might be another choice.
> Johnna
>> On Feb 8, 2019, at 12:31 PM, The Eloquent Page <books at theeloquentpage.com> wrote:
>>   Hi everyone -
>> I am sorry that I have not been active on the list - winter colds are miserable.
>> Thank you all for the suggestions!
>> I have tried to make white sausages in the past with limited success.  Perhaps fish sausages will be more successful.
>> I've also thought about making the fish into "meatballs" and endoring them.
>> Gratefully, Katherine
>> On 2/3/2019 1:50 PM, Johnna Holloway wrote:
>>> Such as
>>> Bologna Sausage of fish.
>>> Take three pounds of fresh salmon, two pounds of carp meat, a pound of smoked salmon, & chop well all together, then take one ounce of coarsely ground pepper, a half ounce of powdered cinnamon, three ounces of salt, half a sopine of Spanish wine, & three yolks of eggs, & make sausage like the others.
>>> "Ouverture de Cuisine" based on this transcription <http://www.uni-giessen.de/gloning/tx/ouv3.htm> by Thomas Gloning et. al.
>>> © 2006, 2011, 2012 Daniel Myers -
>>> http://www.medievalcookery.com/notes/ouverture.html <http://www.medievalcookery.com/notes/ouverture.html>
>>> Johnnae
>>>> On Feb 3, 2019, at 1:05 PM, James Prescott <prescotj at telusplanet.net> wrote:
>>>> Ouverture has five fish sausage recipes.  Wulfric has made some of them.
>>>> Thorvald
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