SC - translation help fionghal at
Sun Nov 1 11:18:52 PST 1998

** Reply to note from "Franchesca Havas" <ches at> Sun, 1 Nov 1998 11:39:07 -0600

> AARRG! As one who flunked two foreign language courses I am at a lose for 
> figuring out some descriptions that are in French. Can someone look at this 
> web site and tell me if I am looking at 12c examples or not? I did a search 
> for 12c. illuminated manuscripts and got this as one of the 130 or so links. 
> Need to know if they are 12c and where they are from.

I took a look at that page.. at least the first manuscripts are a bit old.  I think from looking at
the caligraphy on that first one (ms. 363) its in something very much between Carolinian
and early Gothic. That would be about 11th to 12th century.  That's my guess, I only took a 
little latin in Highschool, so my comprehension of French is from that.

This is the description in French giving a history I think of where the university got this
particular manuscript.

L'Evang‚liaire porte l'ex-libris de l'abbaye
d'Averbode, O. Praem. (Belgique, prov. Brabant,
arr. Louvain). Cette abbaye, fond‚e en 1135,
supprim‚e en 1797 mais restaur‚e en 1834,
poss‚dait une importante bibliothŠque dont une
partie fut acquise par l'universit‚ de LiŠge en

I get the impression this means something like it came from Louvain from something called
"L'Evangeliaire"(The Evangelists) from the library of the abby of Averbode,  in 1135, making
it indeed 12th century when it was first aquired, but I don't know about being written.

That second one (ms. 431) is a bit newer, it's in as close as I can tell
Gothic textura quadiata, and that would put it somewhere between the thirteenth and fifteenth
century.   From what I can gleen from the french descriptions.. it's thirteenth century.  The
bibliography says it's from the Diocese of Leige:  

Bibl. J.H. OLIVER, Gothic Manuscript Illumination in the
Diocese of Liege (c.1250 - c.1330), t. II, Louvain, 1988, p.

That at least is in English.  Maybe you can look further there for that one.
The rest of the manuscripst I found there were later period than that.. so I stop here.

Hope this helps ya,

Always in service,
Fionnghal Nic Phaidin
Dancer of the Way...

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