[Scriptoris] introductions, please

HseTrinity@aol.com HseTrinity at aol.com
Thu May 3 07:29:17 PDT 2001

I've been lurking on this list for awhile, so I suppose that it's time for me
to introduce myself, as well. I am Baronne Suzanne Gabrielle Marie Beraud,
(that's quite a mouthful, isn't it?) *grin*, and I currently live in the
Shire of Middleford. I have been in the SCA for almost 20 years, in both
Ansteorra and in Drachenwald. In both kingdoms, (although Drachenwald was
still a Principality of the East when I was there), I have been active in the
scribal circles, holding both principality and regional offices, as well as
various local offices, since about 1984, and have created 1700+ original
pieces. I am both a calligrapher and illuminator, and dabble in just about
every style that you can imagine, although I prefer 14-15th century
French/Burgundian stylization. (I dig miniatures and rubrication) ;-) I'm
currently preparing to create a Pelican scroll for Master Robert, and am in
negotiation for a couple of other peerage scrolls that friends have
requested. I haven't been as active as I'd like recently, as I've been
working 60-80 hours a week, but it looks as though my schedule will slow
enough this summer so that I can actually do a few projects. (yay!) I'm
always available for questions, and am happy to teach classes, given enough
notice to prepare.  Unfortunately, I don't have any of my original pieces, as
they've all been given away, but if I can get my scanner working, I will try
to scan a few photos from my (way out of date) portfolio and send them out.


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