[Scriptoris] Fw: [scribes]: Need Guinea-Pigs for ScribalArts.org free email accounts

Chiara chiara at io.com
Wed Jun 26 22:09:18 PDT 2002

FYI free email addresses and services to Scribes.

Chiara Francesca Arianna d'Onofrio
Steppes, Ansteorra

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kenneth A. Stoner" <kenstone at scribalarts.org>
To: <scribes at castle.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 11:03 PM
Subject: [scribes]: Need Guinea-Pigs for ScribalArts.org free email accounts

> So,
>             I believe that I have most of the bugs worked out of the
> e-mail system, at least enough that I believe that I can start offering
> a few email-only accounts to scribes interested in having a
> ScribalArts.org email address.
> My email server supports all of the common mail delivery protocols
> including IMAP and POP3.
> I also host a web-service which allows you to access your account from
> the WWW from any machine that is connected.
> I.E. If you have web access at work, you can access your scribalarts.org
> email. Or from the coffee shop, or from 33,000 ft in an airliner. :-)
> If you are interested in a free email account, please respond. I am
> interested in testing on a small group of web-savvy people first, so
> that I can trouble-shoot my processes, etc.
> If you consider yourself web savvy, and would like to have an email
> address like GeorgeTheScribe at ScribalArts.org
> <mailto:GeorgeTheScribe at ScribalArts.org> , let me know!
> Cystennin.
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