[Scriptoris] Supplies

Melinda Turnage ceinwenswan at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 30 07:52:04 PST 2003

Amanda Blackwolf wrote:
>What brushes do people recommend? I'm looking to upgrade my supplies.
>Also, what beginning books do you guys suggest?
Greetings Amanda,

I have found that different scribes prefer different brushes.  One scribe
vowed by a very expensive brush she used.  But when I used it, I didn't like
it much.  Try with some less expensive brushes until you find the one you

My husband bought for me _The History of Illuminated Manuscripts_ by
Christopher de Hamel.  It's fairly inexpensive ($24.50 at Amazon.com) and
has lots of information and some really good pictures of different styles of
manuscripts.  Another of my favorite books is _Illuminated Manuscripts_ by
Giulia Bologna.  It has a number of pictures and is a great book for a
beginner scribe.

In service,
Sable Scroll

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