[Scriptoris] RE: award scrolls and introduction

Horn, Trisha D. tdhorn at saintfrancis.com
Fri Sep 12 10:42:17 PDT 2003

I also have carpal tunnel and have been concerned that it would affect the
quality, but if experienced scribes can persevere, then who am I to
question? :) I love your idea of favorite quotations!  Here's a possibly
inane question - I have seen examples of a Book of Hours, but when one is
creating their own, how exactly is it done? What text is used? Personal
preference? Is it written then bound or vice versa? So much to learn!


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	lizdenpeters at juno.com [SMTP:lizdenpeters at juno.com]
> Sent:	Friday, September 12, 2003 12:24
> To:	scriptoris at ansteorra.org
> Subject:	Re: [Scriptoris] RE: award scrolls and introduction
> M'lady,
> My favorite way to practice is to do quotations from a book of them (that
> I specifically purchased for that purpose).  Since I have carpal tunnel
> syndrome and arthritis in both hands, I have to pace myself with whatever
> craft/art/work I am doing.  I have to take breaks at least every hour and
> sometimes must heat treat my hands and wear splints.  Despite these
> difficulties, creating a thing of beauty, even if flawed, is a rewarding
> experience.  I am thrilled with the way the Arcus Majoris I am working on
> is coming out.
> Nuala
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