[Scriptoris] The Evil Side of Scribal Escalation...

Elaine Crittenden letebts at earthlink.net
Tue Sep 16 05:41:46 PDT 2003

>From: Hillary Greenslade <hillaryrg at yahoo.com>

> Essentially, the only
> way we are going to get there is through study and practice, and hours of
> solitary work, till we
> learn our craft.  And even then we will not be through learning.
> Hillary

Is it the long hours that we have to spend alone that makes scribes and
illuminators such *great* party people?!  ;-D

[Do we get all the praise because others, who might need a
scroll/charter/achievement/etc., have learned it's better to "not piss off
the portrait painter before the portrait is completed"? (evil grin)]


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