[Scriptoris] Re: White Vine

Diane Rudin serena1570 at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 24 13:52:36 PDT 2003

--- Kayci McKinley wrote in response to me:

> The book I have is called the Painted Page, it is late period
> Italian.

Great book.  I highly recommend it.

> Unfortunately I will not be at Steppes but I might day trip to Crown
> Tourney.  I would love to get input. Let me look at my calendar and
> see if I
> can make it.  I would love to be able to get pointers from another
> scribe.
> I tend to work in a vacuum sometimes.

I'd be happy to talk to you, and to anyone else up north who's willing
to listen to my pontificating, about 30 minutes after I'm done running
the list for their Majesties.

I've been in that vacuum, and I'm always happy to help people escape


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