[Scriptoris] What are people working on?

Diane Rudin serena1570 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 9 02:28:08 PDT 2003

--- Hillary Greenslade <hillaryrg at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Tisk!!  Bad Star Principle!  You should know better than to make personal
> requests!!  You need to go through the Star Signet in order to request a
> commission!   (*evil grin*) 

Tsk!  Tsk!  Bad Scribe!  You should know better than to make grammar errors!! 
You need to use "Principal", not "Principle"!  No Gold Star for you!  :^)

More seriously, anyone can ask anyone to do a document.  The problem comes when
people who don't know the document standards don't go through channels, and the
resulting document is unsignable....


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