[Scriptoris] commissions??

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 9 16:39:55 PDT 2003

Some Signets have acted as the clearing house, and some have appointed a
deputy to take on that role.  You can do either, but I also like the idea of
using the webpage as a sort of portfolio of artists to look for as potential
commissions for those seeking a scribe.  

I guess you could add a note by the artists gallery that indicates if they
accept commissions (and that would be between the artists and the client to
decide terms- money, barter, supplies), and an e-mail or phone contact. 
Ain't high technology grand!

--- Ansteorra Star Signet <star_signet at ansteorra.org> wrote:
>  Serena Responded to part of my post:
> > > I have no wish to be a clearing house of
> > > assignments for this type of work
> >
> > Too Bad, So Sad, but that's your job now.  The biggest part of the job
> of Star Signet, and the one that's gone undone for over fifteen years now.
> >
> Ok, bad terminology on my part. I have no problem being a point of contact
> and reference to help facilitate this. Putting people in contact with each
> other and letting them decide who what when where and for how many
> cookies. I define a _clearing house_ in my mind, as a singular authority ,
riding shotgun over all of this type of work. I have no desire to be sitting
in a gold leafed throne ordering other artist about.
> A database of Illuminators, calligraphers, Etc is not a bad idea as long
> as it is a tool to use for this and not considered to be the end product
and simply expected to work. the only thing that will actually make this
> is personal interaction. Too many times I have seen "database" thrown out
as a solution when Communication is actually the problem. Once we know who
can do these originals and has time, next we have to let the populace at
large know how to get to it (back to me being a contact point)
> <snip>
> In Service
> Darius
> Star Signet

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