[Scriptoris] Prize commemoratives

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 10 16:41:42 PDT 2003

--- Diane Rudin <serena1570 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> It used to be (here at least) that the winner got a nicely painted pre-printed
> document.  Someone at some point decided that wasn't "good enough" and started
> doing originals.  It is my belief that this has gotten WAY out of hand.  This
> practice needs to be re-examined in the face of the larger scheme of things.

Lady Suzanne created a master prize scroll for Stargate a number of years ago for
the baronial champions.  I don't recall if there is one master, and they fill in the
category of the champion (A&S, Chivalric, etc), of if its been duplicated and she
callig'ed in the champion titles to 6-8 new masters, so the hand is the same.  Then
we just paint them up like charters, fill in the name and date, and away they go. 
They are always well received.  

These 'charter-style' champions scrolls were created to make sure there is always a
scroll to commemorate the winner.  If a handmade set of scrolls is available, its
often given in place of these pre-prints, but this way we have a backup, and the
champions don't go away empty handed.  

> In addition, the kingdom is having a difficult time getting painted charters.

Yes, I have it on good authority that new, good quality, ready-to-hand-out painted
charters are very much needed.  Set up some paint parties and get busy gang! 

Cheers, Hillary 

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