[Scriptoris] Standard document sizes, and framing said documents

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 10 18:20:29 PDT 2003

--- Diane Rudin <serena1570 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I guess I don't understand what's meant by "black borders" on documents.  Are
> we talking about the size cutting lines for the maller-than-11x14 documents? 
> Why aren't those cut off?  Aren't we cutting documents to size before giving
> them to the heralds?
> --Serena

The paper for charters comes in 11 x 17.  The artwork is placed within the 11x14 area, and the
tail end of 3" is for text on how to paint the scroll, historic references, artists, etc.  That
tail should definately be trimmed off before presenting the scroll. 

But, some time ago, after Rowan reigned when I was Sable Scroll; the charters started turning up
with a black box around the whole charter part, as a trim guide, to use to cut the scroll down,
once painted, so it would fit 'standard' frames.  I don't know if that 'black box' has been
removed from the current charter masters, but I still see it on the ones passed around to be

At one time we were having copy problems and scrolls were being printed off-kilter, so I suspect
someone squared out a box, and inked it on the charter so it could be cut out properly in their
mind.  Ultimately, if the copy print is a 'bit' scewed, doesn't matter, as the whole work will/can
be squared up and the excess cut away when set in a frame anyway.
My point is, trim off the excess 3" tail with the notes to the lymner ('charter painter') and if a
trim line is wanted there, great. But leave the rest of the page alone, give the recipient the
full 11x14 paper, with no 'black box' printed around the scroll area.  Let the recipient *choose*
how much paper to trim away based on the size frame and mat they purchase.  


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