[Scriptoris] Prioritizing and systems

Kimberly Koch sarapenrose at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 11 08:41:19 PDT 2003

Hey Darius,

The form looks good. I would suggest adding a line for
the recipient to include their phone number. I would
also recommend adding a line for the group where the
award was received, since this is something that
appears in the text, but is sometimes difficult to
determine from OP entry alone.


> I am currently working on a system for
> making the request easier to process I have uploaded
> a CGI form to
> http://scrbe.ansteorra.org/scrollrequest.html It is
> noted currently;by on
> that
> page that the form is not yet the standard request
> avenue and to contact me.
> However I would like the scribal community to take a
> look at it, seeing if
> there is enough basic information for you to decide
> to contact some one
> regarding the commission.The information requested
> is based loosley on the
> info form the Abbey has used in the past.

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