Scribal Handbook Was [Scriptoris] Re:originals

Franchesca Havas ches at
Thu Sep 11 08:54:25 PDT 2003

Yes, and, no.

We started one a while ago when an out of kingdom laurel came here. She
got it started then she kinda retired and we never really finished it. I
think we all still have copies of the last draft in our files.

Many of us took our individual chapters and have since published them as
stand alone articles.

The last time we worked on it Sara was going to do something extra and
then approve it for the webpage, then the office changed hands and we
never heard anything about it again.

I think that it just got put to the side in favor of more important work.
I bet that it is most likely finished and we just have to gift Sara with a
few select items on her menu of desired delicacies to munch on to keep her
beautiful new figure as incentive to get it out and published. :)


> It IS incredibly intimidating to see some of the original scrolls that
> our kingdom scribes produce.  I have definitely felt scared off from
> taking on more, because, although I can design most things, my
> calligraphy is only passable, and I am still working on getting my
> painting skills up to par. When the rest of the Abby members are busy
> with other work,  I do these myself and the end product is not nearly as
> good.  ( The advantage to working in a group is that everyone does thier
> best thing and you get something none of them could have done  as well
> on thier own)
> The standard of what is expected for an original seems to have increased
> to a point where it is difficult to  commit to a commision or request
> when you know that another scribe out there would do a better (more
> elaborate) job of it, if the person waited for them to be free.  As the
> artist, you don't want the recipient to be disappointed that thier
> scroll isn't as "cool" as one they saw presented to Count Whosits in
> court.  And as the recipient, would you want to be the first one to get
> the "simpler" original?   We have scribed ourselves into a corner, in a
> way.
> I think that more classes on original scroll creation would be a help,
> but we have to make sure not to drop those that show interest.  When I
> started to find out about how to do originals ( and charter masters) ,
> the information was very hard to come by, until I happened on Sara
> Penrose at an event and she took  the time to tell me what types of
> things I needed to do. Luckily, shortly after that, I found the Abby and
> started to work with them, which really helped my learning curve.
> Originals can be very scary to try to take on by yourself, even without
> the added pressure of expectations.
> I think that one of the best things that we have, as far as information
> goes, is this list.  It is very helpful to have other scribes at you
> fingertips when you get stumped on something.
>  Is there a handbook, or article out there that is a good introduction
> to
> the steps of making an original that we can post on the site, or print
> off to give to those that show interest?
> Nicolaea
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