[Scriptoris] Designing Originals

Mahee mahee_of_acre at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 15 03:49:57 PDT 2003

When designing originals:
1. look at as many pictures of the style you want to do. Learn the spacing, the layout, the flow, and the geometry of the style. Then look at them all again. I often make photocopies and then draw lines on them to help me see lines and circles that the artist may have used to help them lay things out.
2. learn the hand that goes with the style. and repeat step 1.
3. decide at this point if this is something you can paint, and if this is something the average charter painter can paint. I got one all done just to realize that I did not have a chance on earth of successfully painting it. repeat step 1
4. do a layout and write on text, repeat until right while repeating step 1
5. now that it is right make and paint photo copies. repeat step on including your painted ones in the mix to make sure they fit.
6. if black line master, send up the line for approval with a sample of how it is to be painted(very imprtant). If it is a one of a kind, paint for real
7. erase pencil lines if any
your humble servant,

Joseph Percer <jpercer at stx.rr.com> wrote:

When designing originals, what are some of the processes you go through?

Yours in Service,

Jayme Dominguez del Valle, Seawinds
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