[Scriptoris] regarding scrolls not received

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 18 08:37:46 PDT 2003

Try again but this time send the copies directly to Zodiacus herald, and maybe include a stamped
postcard for a return confirmation that the action has been done, or an e-mail address.  I know
that the prior Zodiacus made great strides in uncovering old awards never entered to the list. 
Perhaps yours just fell through the cracks.  It is possible that your local herald included it
with his monthly report, and if so, it probably just got filled at kingdom with that branches
reports, instead of being forwarded to the 'Order of Precidence' herald, called Zodiacus.    So,
try once more. Zodiacus contact info can be found in the back of the Black Star under Kingdom
Deputy heralds.  
Cheers, Hillary  

--- lizdenpeters at juno.com wrote:
> Darius,
> My husband received his AoA in 2001 and I have mailed in photocopies &
> given photocopies to our local herald at that time.  To date, his AoA is
> not in the Domesday.  It has now been nearly 2 1/2 years.  What do I need
> to do to get this fixed?
> I apologize for bothering the list with a personal concern but am at my
> wits' end about what to do about this.
> Nuala

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