[Scriptoris] Pen nibs

Claryce Orfevre claryce at cox.net
Tue Feb 3 15:22:33 PST 2004

Okay,  I've looked at the *wonderful* websites for art supplies, and there's definitely an order going to be placed very soon, but one (more) question about calligraphy pen nibs.

Hillary listed several names, but no sizes.  I'm currently using the standard Speedball C-3.  What's the best nib and size to go to next?  It would be nice to order those as well, when I'm ordering paints.  I saw on the sites that the size for the other brands is very different from the C-1,2,3,4,5 that I'm used to, so with the brand name, I need the size that gets me closest to the C-3.

Still pretty clueless about this scribe thing.

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