[Scriptoris] Table of Active Charters

Ansteorra Star Signet star_signet at ansteorra.org
Tue Jan 20 15:30:30 PST 2004

Others who are responsible for the information are Lady Lissabetta who set
up the numbering system, Mistress Serena, Mistress Lasair, Mistress
Curstaidh and others who tracked down the biographical information of who
designed what the last time we did a new master set.

My thanks to all, their work made my task far easier.

In Service to Crown and Kingdom
Darius of the Bells, OL
Star Signet

----- Original Message -----
From: "Etienne de St. Amaranth" <star at ansteorra.org>
To: "Scribes within Ansteorra - SCA, Inc." <scriptoris at ansteorra.org>
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 4:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Scriptoris] Table of Active Charters

> As principal herald, let me say a big "Thank you" to Master Darius and any
> scribes involved in the creation of the Charter Table described below.  As
> a non-scribe (I have been painting the same charter for over a year now),
> could look at the table, understand it, identify the artists who have
> designed charters, and quickly understand the summary of what is needed in
> the realm of charter design.
> If I found it helpful, I can only imagine how the charter artists of
> Ansteorra can better focus their efforts because of it.
> Thanks again to Master Darius and his staff,
> Seigneur Etienne
> Star Principal Herald

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