[Scriptoris] wording for letter of credence

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Tue May 25 12:55:25 PDT 2004

How very cool and yes, I'd love a copy.  I'm going to try and see if I can find some large size
scrapbooks that will house the 11x17, and if not, I may just make one (we have the technology, we
can build it).   

For those that may have donations of originals or copies for the archives, I will not be at
Steppes Warlord this weekend, so pass them to someone from the Stargate area and I'll get them.
Please put all in an envelop.   I will be at AAA (Ansteorran Argent Anniversary), so catch me
there.   Don't forget to include permission forms where applicable. 

Cheers, Hillary 

--- "N.D. Wederstrandt" <nweders at mail.utexas.edu> wrote:
> Ya'll thought I had forgotten (grin).  I had a newsletter to get out so I'm 
> sorry I'm late.
> Here is the wording of letters of marque (or mark) I used when the 
> prototype of the Star Signet office. My mistake in that we called them 
> letters of credence:  These were written and given out as letters (no 
> illumination per se) sometime in 1984 (AS XV-XVI)
> In as much as it is the right of the Crown of Ansteorra to appoint such 
> Ambassadors as is pleasing and necessary, and in as much as Our 
> subject____________, is able to reside in the Kingdom of _______________, 
> it is Our pleasure to appoint her/him as Our Ambassador to _______________.
> 	We do charge _______________ to spread the Good WIll of the Crown of 
> Ansteorra unto the citizens and the Crown of ____________, and to all 
> foreign lands through which s/he may travel, and that these Letters shall 
> stand as Our mark of Credence.
> 	We do further charge that s/he must act in all ways worthy of this title, 
> and shall present her/himself unto the Crown of _____________ as Our 
> Ambassador.
> (Optional Embassy clause)
> 	With this, We do also grant her/him the right to establish Embassy in 
> ________, should the Crown of ____________ approve.
> 	Jan 			Kenreth
> approved 18 January XV
> Attest Aureliane Rioghail
> Star Principal Herald
> People given this honor.
> Dominique de Blasa to the Middle
> Gordon Daffyd ap Mart to Meridees
> Hillary, I can make you a copy of the original
> Clare
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