[Scriptoris] Sorta OT: Movie - Girl with a Pearl Earring

Brent Ryder borekvv at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 14 09:09:53 PDT 2004


Some time ago this movie was reccomended to me by Mistress Aslyn. It is a 
beautiful movie and looks very period to me, but I am not an expert there. 
What I kept seeing were scenes that could have been paintings themselves. 
Also, the attic scenes with all the materials and toold to make the paints 
was very kewl.

Anyone have any insights into the 'period' nature of the sets and especially 
the attic scenes where all the apparati and such were? Might make for an 
interesting A&S display....

Any other movie reccomendations out there in theis vein?

Lurking Scribbler

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