[Scriptoris] Ansteorran College of Scribes

Diane Rudin serena1570 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 4 23:23:59 PDT 2005

--- zubeydah at northkeep.org wrote:

> I'd like to see language, so folks can look at designing charters for the new
> Sable Talon award!  :-)

Work has going on behind the scenes to update the *Official Awards Texts for
the Kingdom of Ansteorra* document.  We hope to have it done soon, perhaps even
by AHSS.

If anyone has any suggestions, especially as regards the efficacy of the
introductory material, I would appreciate receiving them -- OFF-LIST.  I don't
want to clog up the kingdom server with this.  Please copy Sara on any emails
sent to me on this subject.

One note of caution:  Keep in mind in designing charters for the "Sable Talon"
that the name has not yet been registered by the Society College of Arms, and
therefore you may be called upon at a future date to alter, or let someone else
alter, your text and possibly artwork if the name proves unacceptable to the
College.  Witness the formerly so-called "Arcus Majoris", now the Arc d' Or. 
(Arc d' Or hasn't been registered yet, either, but we know it will be, because
Trimaris already registered it for their kingdom, so we know it's free of
conflict and passes the naming style test as well.  That's all the treaty
is--an heraldic Letter of Permission to Conflict.)

--Serena, Blanc Gryffon Herald
Deputy to Star Principal Herald in charge of writing and maintaining official
awards texts for the Kingdom of Ansteorra

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