[Scriptoris] Ansteorran College of Scribes

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 5 10:09:03 PDT 2005

--- Diane Rudin <serena1570 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Work has going on behind the scenes to update the *Official Awards Texts for
> the Kingdom of Ansteorra* document.  We hope to have it done soon, perhaps even
> by AHSS.
> If anyone has any suggestions, especially as regards the efficacy of the
> introductory material, I would appreciate receiving them -- OFF-LIST.  I don't
> want to clog up the kingdom server with this.  Please copy Sara on any emails
> sent to me on this subject.
> <snip>
> --Serena, Blanc Gryffon Herald
> Deputy to Star Principal Herald in charge of writing and maintaining official
> awards texts for the Kingdom of Ansteorra

Serena - 
Are you interested in including scroll texts for non-armigerous awards, such 
as a barony may have in addition to it's armigerous one?   Stargate has three 
non-armigerous awards, two which have scroll texts.  It maybe a good archive to 
include them in a singular document, such as the kingdom scroll texts.   


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