[Scriptoris] peerage patents

Diane Rudin serena1570 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 8 13:25:25 PST 2005

Darius wrote:

> the text only peices Serena has found are pretty cool, they include people
> lik Shakespeare, I would love to have more feed back on the notion from
> people looking at the info at KA&S

I was talking about bringing original period manuscript documents, not photo
books of documents.  Frankly, I'm going to have enough to carry without also
bringing my library.

However, I'd be willing to let people who are interested come over Saturday
night or Sunday afternoon after Kingdom A&S to visit my library.  I have a
scanner and a CD-RW drive.  I recommend that people not come who are allergic
to dust, cats, or clutter.  :)


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