[Scriptoris] seeking painted charters for a library...

Diane Rudin serena1570 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 8 04:35:44 PST 2005

--- zubeydah at northkeep.org wrote:

> I am seeking high resolution scanned images of finished painted charters, to 
> place in an on-line library, hosted on my personal website. If you have 
> electronic versions of your best work, and are willing to share it with other
> ansteorran scribes (credited, of course), please contact me off list.
> My goal is a full on-line 'library' containing each of the following, for 
> **each and every charter ever used in Ansteorra**:

Contrary to popular belief, I don't like to rain on people's parades.  However,
in this case I need to be at least a little damp.  Ches, separately, already
has explained, with some deserved passion, some of the issues involved.  

Here's another:  not all of the people who have created charters over the years
are still alive.  Therefore, they cannot grant permission for their work to be
published.  I do not know if it would be possible to contact next-of-kin, but
the potential awkwardness, to say the least, of such a situation makes me

Publication waivers are very new in the grand scheme of the SCA, as does the
Internet; *all* of my work predates them.  (I have, I think, signed permissions
ex post facto for the preprinted charters.)  Therefore, *nothing* that was
created before the publication permission slips came in can be put up online
without first obtaining that permission.  (I'm assuming that permission is
gained for all newly-created preprinted charters.)  Yes, in creating their work
for the SCA they knew it would be reprinted for painting, and being put up on
people's walls.  They did *not* know, or consent to, their work being put up
where millions of people could see, access, and plagarize it.

There is an excellent discussion of copyright "myths and facts" from the
Society Chronicler in this month's (February 2005) Black Star, pp. 14-16.

--Serena, Blanc Gryffoun

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