Fw: [Scriptoris] Questions Regarding Charters . . .

Ches ches at io.com
Tue Feb 8 06:50:18 PST 2005

Actually ...

"There shall exist in Ansteorra an order unto which the Crown shall
select persons who have demonstrated all of the following qualities:

    * Exceptional leadership, skill and honor in chivalric combat.
    * Service to Ansteorra and its people;
    * Knowledge of the courtly graces; and
    * Obedience to the laws and ideals of Ansteorra and of the
Society for Creative Anachronism.

This Order shall be known as the Order of the Centurions of the
Sable Star..."

Zubeydah said:
> well, darn it, I really didn't mean to have it SEND right yet...
> *sigh*
> Nuala:
> I can't address the majority of your questions - I hope those more
> learned here can - but some I can answer:
> You asked:
> "5.  Could someone explain to me why we have charters for White
> Scarfs and Centurions but not Knighthood.  I thought all of these
> were peerages.  If  Knighthood needs an original only, why don't
> White Scarves and  Centurions? Or any of the other peerages? I don't
> understand.  From my research, it would seem that any of these peers
> could then commission an Achievement, if they desire one.  What am I
> missing here?"
> The Centurions are not Peerages.  If I was going to compare them to
> anything else (and it's not an exact comparison, really), it would
> be like an Iris for Combat, kinda-sorta. A Centurion is an
> acknowledged leader on the field of combat -generally melee combat,
> but the award text doesn't say that specifically, though that's come
> to be the way its perceived in a lot of ways.

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