[Scriptoris] the Sable Talon...

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 1 13:02:53 PST 2005

--- zubeydah at northkeep.org wrote:
> > At 05:51 PM 3/28/2005, Hillary wrote:
> > >As the 'Sable Talon' is to be used for ALL the armory branch, and the 
> > >subject could change depending on what category the recipient is to receive, you could
> > conceivably have a design with all the armory forms (chivalric, rapier, archery, 
> > >equestrian), or you could have one of each of the four forms.
> So... would one send in a recommendation as to a particular form of chivalric 
> combat, like sword-n-board, or a particular type of archery (crossbow), etc?
> Or is it just, "I would like to recommend so and so for a Sable Talon in the 
> field of Chivalric Combat"?  I've already had folks ask me that, knowing I am 
> involved with scrolly type things.
> -zubeydah

My guess, as Serena suggested, that the charter for the award will be specific on the 
marshalling areas.  Likely, tradition will suggest using: 
Chivalric, Rapier, Equestrian, Archery, Knife/Ax/Spear(though don't know about the last).
It's possible the charter will designate the categories; though if marshal arts increase to
include other areas, the charter would have to be adjusted.  
Unlike the Sable Thistle, where a wide-range of arts categories are possible, 
I'm thinking the marshalling options will be more limited; though not as specific 
as 'Crossbow vs. Longbow', but more generic as: 'Archery'. 

Guess we get to wait and see!  :-) 

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