[Scriptoris] In need of fresh charters

Fluffy10@aol.com Fluffy10 at aol.com
Thu May 26 12:09:46 PDT 2005

Hl Lucia Paizetta,


I've got quite a few charters I'd be happy to pass onto your group for 

Are you going to be at Steppes this weekend?  I could bring them for you.  
Are there any in particular ya'll like to paint?  If you're not able to make it, 
is there anyone I could get them to so they could pass onto you?  The 
Longship company will be camping with our group if this helps!

Please let me know before Friday 5/27/05 because my husband has big plans on 
actually leaving the house at a.m. to go to Canton.

Yours in service,

Lady Aylwin Holbrook
Coastal Regional Scribe

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