Fwd: [Scriptoris] In need of fresh charters

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Thu May 26 12:15:00 PDT 2005

--- Lucia Piazetta <luciapiazetta at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Date: Thu, 26 May 2005 13:31:13 -0500
> From: Lucia Piazetta <luciapiazetta at earthlink.net>
> To: scriptoris at ansteorra.org
> Subject: [Scriptoris] In need of fresh charters
> Greetings!  I just joined this list, as I thought it would be a good 
> resource for our new Baronial charter painting group (we've met twice 
> so far).  Can anyone tell me how to go about getting some new charters 
> to paint?  I had a small supply, picked up at various events, but we've 
> been cranking through them rather quickly and we need more.  Any help 
> is appreciated!  Thanks!
> HL Lucia Piazetta
> Bjornsborg

Greetings Lucia and welcome to the gang.   
You can get blank charters from your Sable Scroll (for the next few months), Master Cynric, lives
in Bjornsborg (out in the hills of San Antonio, on the far west side).  I've cc:d him to this post
so he sees your request.  I specifically suggest him, as he's in your town.

Also, your Southern regional scribe is Baroness Crystal, who resides in Raven's Fort, 
can also provide you with blanks to paint.  Crystal also has a bunch of scribal handouts that
maybe of use for a newly begun guild; as well as a bunch of good Ansteorran scribal info on
kingdom standards.  

And if you want ideas on how to run a scribes guild, post query's online - 
we can be a chatty bunch when we get up from our desks.  
Good luck, Hillary Greenslade, 
Stargate Scribes Guild Principal

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