[Scriptoris] In need of fresh charters

lizdenpeters@juno.com lizdenpeters at juno.com
Thu May 26 17:51:53 PDT 2005


Please contact your Regional Scribe or the Kingdom.  Either should have a
stock of charters for your guild.  If you do not have these officers'
names, check the Black Star or the Ansteorran Web Site.


Liz or Lady Fionnghuala the Fair or "Nuala" or my evil twin, Cedric
Central Regional Scribe
Barony of the Steppes
"The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting; it has been
found difficult and left untried."
          *~*~  G.K. Chesterton  ~*~*

On Thu, 26 May 2005 13:31:13 -0500 Lucia Piazetta
<luciapiazetta at earthlink.net> writes:
> Greetings!  I just joined this list, as I thought it would be a good 
> resource for our new Baronial charter painting group (we've met 
> twice 
> so far).  Can anyone tell me how to go about getting some new 
> charters 
> to paint?  I had a small supply, picked up at various events, but 
> we've 
> been cranking through them rather quickly and we need more.  Any 
> help 
> is appreciated!  Thanks!
> HL Lucia Piazetta
> Bjornsborg
> "Ignorance is like a delicate exotic fruit; touch it and the bloom 
> is 
> gone."
> -Oscar Wilde
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