[Scriptoris] Website - Kingdom scribes guilds to be updated

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 9 17:10:47 PST 2005

Hello all, 
If you have a local branch scribes guild, take a quick look at the following list 
(below or online at: 
And let me know if the info is still current.  
If not, please drop me a reply with corrections & additions, 

Thanks, Hillary, Signet
-Local Charter Painting Groups-

Namron the 3rd Wed of each month 7 p-10 p - Ly Annais de Montgomerie

Wiesenfeuer Third Thursday of each Month, 7 PM - HL Isaac Bane

Elfsea-2nd Tuesdays at 7:30 p - anezka at elfsea.net

Glaslyn Thursdays 7pm-9pm - H.Ly.Ceinwen ferch Rhuel

Gatesedge-First and Third Tuesdays - natashastorfer at yahoo.com

Stargate-Third Sunday - lisabetta at ansteorra.net
(yep, I know this one is wrong - Hillary)

Steppes - Third Tuesdays at 7:30 pm - HE Muireann
(I know they moved to a new location, and possible contact - Hillary)

Northkeep - Third Thursdays - Lady Rosamund Blaunchflur

That's all, any more to add? 

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