[Scriptoris] KWHSS

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 5 11:12:45 PST 2006

> Dietrich Strobelbart wrote:
> Pardon my ignorance, but, what is KWHS?
Actually, it should be KWHSS, as it's been referred to for the last few years, but many still
refer to it as KWHS.  
It's Knowne World Heraldic and *Scribal* Symposium.   

Yes, Virginia... there are lots of *scribal* happenings at KWHSS, too. I've played with various
calligraphy hands, period pigments, quill cutting, painting shading techniques, bookbinding...and
so much more. Plus, as a teacher myself, I get to see alternate teaching methods from some great
artisans, that I can 'borrow' to share in kingdom.... and the handouts - great source material.  

There's a link to KWHSS on the SCA Heralds page, but it's still pointing to last summer in
Colorado; but can still give KWHSS-newbies an idea of what it's about.  

Ansteorra has hosted several of the KWHSS.  The last few years, I've gone to KWHSS, and find it a
great way to meet folks in person that you have been e-mailing with.   Each year, the autocrats
are focusing more and more on scribal activities (rare library or museum tours, additional
classes) for when the heralds are off having their plenary chapter meeting on Sunday morning.  The
autocrats were considering a rare book tour at one of the universities in New Orleans, so lets
cross fingers that the hurricane didn't do damage in those libraries.    

Many long-term heralds consider KWHSS as their annual pilgrimage, and save up to make the trip;
and if you book very early, airfare can be cheep; and many of the locals will help shuttle
attendees back and forth from airport.  I'm beginning to see more and more returning scribes each
year at KWHSS, as well. 

See you in New Orleans this summer! 
Hillary Greenslade  


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