[Scriptoris] History of Star Signets

Diane Rudin serena1570 at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 31 20:51:42 PST 2006

Mistress Clare followed me.


--- Hillary Greenslade <hillaryrg at yahoo.com> wrote:

> 1. Clare RosMuir St. John
> 2. Zenaida Likhitovna Umanskaya
> 3. Cynric of Bedwin
> 4. Arenvald Kief av Kiersted
> 5. Serena ferch Ceridwen o Fers (now known as Serena Lascelles)
> 6. Lasair ni Fhionnualann
> 7. Margaret Pearce
> 8. Anastacia Marie Travarra
> 9. Clare RosMuir St. John
> 10. Curstaidh Magorlick
> 11. Sara Penrose
> 12. Annais de Montgomerie
> 13. Darius of the Bells
> 14. Hillary Rose Greenslade

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