[Scriptoris] College of Scribes meeting synopsis from AHSS 2006
Diane Rudin
serena1570 at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 31 20:32:03 PDT 2006
Hi folks, it's Serena, de-lurking for a minute to clarify a few
things, and toss in a notion.
--- Hillary Greenslade <hillaryrg at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Retired Scrolls:
> Reminder that the following awards are retired. Please don�t
> destroy these scrolls if you have
> outstanding charters; but return them to your Regional Scribe for
> storage as you never know if an
> award will be reinstated.
> Retired: (not all may have had scroll texts)
> Arcus Majoris
By specific order of the Star Principal Herald during the scribes'
meeting at the most recent Red Tape (Round Table), ALL charter blanks
referencing the Arcus Majoris are to be *destroyed*. There are very
good Corpora-related reasons for this that are too sensitive and
complex to be explained in this forum. Her decisions and dictates in
regards to issues surrounding that order name are made with the full
knowlege and support of the Crown of Ansteorra. If you have any
questions, ask the Star Principal Herald.
> Knights of the Sable Garland
The correct name of this order is the Order of the Sable Garland, it
has NOT been closed, and there has never been a charter for it.
> Optio
This order was superceded by and incorporated into the Sable Talon,
and therefore cannot ever be re-opened. However, I do not know if
there were ever charters created for it.
> Education and Teaching:
> We need more Scribal Teachers willing to teach the specialities
> they know and willing to travel to share that knowledge.
Willingness is not the issue for many people. Money is the issue.
Perhaps a group of interested people can take up a collection to
import a teacher for a weekend. A group in Rosenfeld did that with
me once over a decade ago. We had fun, and I enjoyed the steak
dinner too. :)
--Serena Lascelles, Blanc Gryffon Herald
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