[Scriptoris] Sable Crane or Thistle?

Celestria leDragon celestria.ledragon at gmail.com
Wed Mar 8 09:36:17 PST 2006

 Here is my 2 cents worth:

I think if a person painting charters does a good job painting then they
should be recognized for their time and talent. Maybe they are not
interested in designing or don't think they have the talent to draw or do
calligraphy. I can't draw and don't have the patience for calligraphy but I
can sit and paint for hours on a scroll. Would you rather receive an
unpainted scroll or one that someone has painted? It takes talent to make
the original scroll and it takes talent to finish bringing it to life with
color. As far as teaching I don't feel that a Thistle has that requirement
with it like an Iris does.

If a person paints scrolls and has not been recognized for their service
then I think they should be put in for an award be it for their painting
skills or the service they are doing for the kingdom. It is nice to know
that you are appreciated for the work you are doing. In receiving
recognition then that person my find the confidence to try new things and
learn more.


> On 3/7/06, Hillary Greenslade <hillaryrg at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Ansteorran scribes -
> > A question was recently posed to me, and I thought I'd find out what you
> guys thought.
> >
> > If a gentle paints charters, paints them well, and paints lots of
> them...
> > but only paints charters, doesn't design the illumination or do
> calligraphy....
> > should they be recommended for a:
> > Sable Crane - for the service they are doing?
> > Sable Thistle - for the artwork they are doing?
> >
> > If a Sable Thistle?  should the category be:
> > - Illumination?  - perhaps one who designs and paints their
> illuminations?
> > - Charter Painting? - found 1 Ansteorran who has received a thistle in
> this category.
> > - Limning?  -  defined as 'to draw or paint', 'line drawings', 'painter
> of portraits'.
> > - Artwork?  - or would artwork be too generic a term.
> >
> > Let me know what you guys thing,
> > Hillary

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