[Scriptoris] Rosenfeld Calligraphy Class

Carletta da Nicolosi carletta_nicolosi at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 27 17:44:35 PST 2006

  The Calligraphy Class was great!  We had seven attendees, two of which were non-SCA people that saw the ad at the Library.  Everyone got the opportunity to learn numerous facts about the history of Calligraphy, different writing tools, what type of papers should be used, etc.  After lunch we learned how to line paper properly, practiced the Carolingian hand letters, and got great handouts.  All in all, a good time was had by everyone and we were fortunate to have some news coverage by Channel 19 that appeared on the 10pm News.  
  HE Mistress Hillary was pleased with the turnout and gave a very professional, informational and fun class.  Many thanks to her once again, for bringing all the class materials and spending time with us over her Thanksgiving Holiday.  Also, thanks to all who attended and made the effort on a Holiday weekend to help make the class attendance a good one.
  In Service,

                                                        Lady Carletta da Nicolosi
  Central Regional Chronicler & Rosenfeld Chronicler
  Rosenfeld Scribal Coordinator

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