[Scriptoris] Submitting designs

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 11 15:16:59 PDT 2006

--- Gisela <giselavonwolfsburg at gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there a way to submit artwork for consideration for future scrolls? If
> so, where should one send such designs?
> Danke,
> Gisela von der Wluesborch
> Barony of Northkeep, Kingdom of Ansteorra

That's a good question Gisela. 
My thanks to Mistress Sara for pointing out the FAQ's page online, as it's a great resource. 

If you are interested in creating original artwork for new charters, I might suggest a
calligrapher that you may be able to collaborate with for the finished charter.  Historically, I
believe charter work is submitted with both the illumination and calligraphy; but that doesn't
mean you can't send in artwork (ie. Illuminations) solo, so long as you are aware that calligraphy
will be attached to it for a final charter product.  Most likely, your artwork will be used only
on one charter, in part to keep our charter designs unique and interesting.  

The Ansteorra Official Award Text document at: http://heraldry.ansteorra.org/education.php
will designate the charter size limits for the award one wants to create.  Please be aware those
sizes include a border; consider at least a 1/2 border around all artwork and text.  

Also, the award text document will show the image of the award insignia to be used as an element
of the charter, if insignia is a part of this award.  You don't have to use the exact insignia
image, you can create your own insignia design, but pay close attention to the position and
details of the insignia, as some of those elements are required to be correct.   

There are other suggestions for good charter designs, such as a consistent not-too-fine technical
pen width, that will copy well and not disappear on multiple generations of copies.  Also, the
design element cells to paint should not be too fine in size, so that painting can be accomplished
quickly.  The complexity of a design should increase with the higher level awards, as a rule. 
Grant level and above awards are given less frequently and take longer to earn, so are
traditionally a bit more complex in design.  

As a calligrapher, there are recommendations for line spacing to provide adequate space for the
Sable Scroll to enter the Crown, Recipient and Branch names, date and category (where found). 

There are a couple of good handouts available on designing charters and you can get those from
your Regional Scribes.  Also, Regional Scribes are a local resource to discuss your design ideas
with as well.  Some collegiums and symposiums may offer a class on good charter design.  

I'm always available at events for scribes to show me or chat about their design ideas or plans. 
I'd rather spend a bit of time early on talking to you about your design than having to send you
back a charter that need massive improvements.  Look at the current Ansteorran designs that we
use, that will give you an idea on who to create your own works.   

There are awards that are in need of new charters, that currently have 1-2 charters now: 
Arc d'Or
Sable Talon
Court Baron
Rising Star
Star of Merit
White Scarf

If you are interested in working on a new charter design, please drop me a line and let me know.  
I have two Sable Talon's in the works with artisan's now, but can always use more. 

Hope that answers some immediate questions, let me know if there are others. 
I look forward to working with you on new charters.
Cheers, Hillary Greenslade, Star Signet

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