[Scriptoris] Ansteorran Scroll Text Size Standards

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 25 10:43:24 PDT 2006

I'm regularly asked what the sizes are for scrolls in Ansteorra; and to answer that question, I
always refer the inquirer to the Ansteorran Award Text document found online, all the scroll size
specifications are found there.  

To save you time, I've pulled out a listing of those sizes. 
Regards, Hillary Greenslade, Star Signet
Ansteorran Scroll Text Size Standards
This list is derived from the Official Award Texts of the Kingdom of Ansteorra Scroll text sizes
are to include the calligraphy text, the artwork illumination AND a border space between .5 and
1.5 inches; all within the designated scroll size.  

Ansteorran Scroll Text Sizes: 
Scroll type                             Sizes:
Prize Scrolls for Ceremonial Honors:    8.5 x 11  (recommended*)
Non-Armigerous Awards                   8.5 x 11
Armigerous Awards, AoA Level            9 x 12
Order of the Rose                       8.5 x 11  (recommended*)
Grant Level Awards                      11 x 14
Court Barony                            11 x 14
Peerage Awards                          16 x 20   (recommended*)
Barony in Fief                          18 x 24   (recommended*)
Royalty (County, Duchy)                 16 x 20   (recommended*)

(* Recommended – the scroll can be smaller than the recommended size, but no larger.)

Ansteorran Achievement Scroll Text Sizes:
Scroll type                             Sizes:
Armigerous Awards, AoA Level            11 x 14
Grant Level Awards                      16 x 20
Court Barony                            16 x 20
Peerage Awards                          18 x 24   
Royalty (County, Duchy)                 18 x 24   

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