[Scriptoris] [ANSTHRLD] In need of... Black and White linedrawing of

Chiara Francesca chiara.francesca at gmail.com
Mon Oct 2 10:16:58 PDT 2006

Emma has the image you seek.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Hillary Greenslade" <hillaryrg at yahoo.com>
To: <heralds at lists.ansteorra.org>; "scriptoris" 
<scriptoris at lists.ansteorra.org>
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 11:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Scriptoris] [ANSTHRLD] In need of... Black and White 
linedrawing of

> --- heralds-request at lists.ansteorra.org wrote:
>> Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2006 13:31:16 -0500
>> From: "Wendel Bordelon" <rwbordelon at gmail.com>
>> Subject: [ANSTHRLD] In need of... Black and White line drawing of
>> Kingdom achievement...
>> To: "Heralds List, Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA, Inc."
>> <heralds at lists.ansteorra.org>
>> Greetings,
>> I am working on producing a tool to generate a printable copy of the
>> Roll of Awards.  I would very much like the cover to have a graphic of
>> the Ansteorran achievement.  The catch is that I want to make be sure
>> we have the artist's permission for its use and publication.  Credit
>> will be included on the inside cover page.
>> So,  Does anyone have such a picture?   Or is there anyone who would
>> like to create one to be used for this purpose?   Ultimately it will
>> need to be turned into an electronic version but it doesn't need to
>> start that way.
>> --Francois
> I ran across a graphic of the Ansteorran Achievement in my Signet files, 
> that was created some 15
> years ago by Mistress Alisandre Oliphant.  It's a black and white line 
> drawing.  I don't know if
> it's still current, but it could be checked.  Right now it's on paper from 
> an old newsletter, but
> can be scanned. Alisandre rarely plays, but she and Jan from Bjornsborg do 
> keep contact with
> fellow Bjornsborg'ers, so we could find her if needing permission to put 
> online.
> I particularly enjoyed Alisandre's achievement as it incorporated elements 
> of Ansteorran awards;
> it included the White Scarf on the Crane's wing, and had a Star of Merit 
> garter on the Lion's leg,
> and there was an Iris rainbow in the image somewhere as well, perhaps the 
> Comet too.  I don't know
> if those additional award elements are legal for the Ansteorran 
> achievement, but it was cool.
> A few years ago an issue occurred when an artisan got hold of Alisandre's 
> Achievement image and
> proceeded to make changes to it, updating it for new elements.  Alisandre 
> found out after the
> changes were made, perhaps it was published.  I don't know how the issue 
> was resolved, maybe
> Alisandre was included as a collaborative artist in the credits.
> Remember that original artwork is the property of the artisan who created 
> and while granted for
> use by Ansteorra, by permission form or intent, the artwork CANNOT be 
> changed or updated unless
> permission is granted or the artisan themselves does the updates.  If you 
> don't know who the
> artisan is that did the original work, ask - we will try to find out or 
> our files may have their
> permission form allowing changes.
> Hillary, Star Signet
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