[Scriptoris] Painted charters needed

Lee Lemons lemonslee at prodigy.net
Sun Sep 3 12:35:42 PDT 2006

Greetings to all Ansteorran painters!
  Here's a list of painted charters I really need:
  Sable Talons - I only have 3!
  Arc d'Or - I only have 1!
  Kindom Artisan - I only have 1!
  King's Lancer - I'm totally out.
  Royal Huntsman - I'm totally out.
  You can get blank charters for painting from your Regional Scribes and Star Signet.  If you have painted charters you haven't sent in yet, please send them to me.  You can send them directly to me or get them to Mea (head of TRMajesties' entourage, Hillary (Star Signet), or really anyone from the Stargate/Loch area, I can get them easily.
  Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated!
  Sable Scroll

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