[Scriptoris] Original Prize and SCA award scrolls perfect for display at LPT

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 6 10:29:51 PDT 2006

Just a quick reminder, that the upcoming Laurel's Prize Tourney (LPT) is this weekend, just an
hour north of Seawinds and an hour south of Bjornsborg. See updated event site at:

LPT is a great venue for showing off your portfolio of scribal works, including original
historically inspired scrolls, SCA prize scrolls, invitations, thank-you scrolls and SCA charter
award calligraphy and illumination techniques. You can even include copies of your SCA Scribal
class handouts for review.   Anything you have worked on scribally is welcome for review and
discussion, in a non-judging event.  At Laurel's Prize Tourney, you don't have to have all your
original scrolls, your portfolio will do nicely as well.  

Also, the new Coastal Regional Scribe, Sabine Dubois, will be hosting a scribal charter paint
table at LPT.  Come visit, introduce yourself and take some charters home to paint.   

I hope to see many scribal works on display, so I too can see what type of work you are capable of
(hum, perhaps a scribal commission is in your future!!)  

Cheers, Hillary

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